Voces de Ḥaketía has been created in 2007 with the purpose of keeping the Ḥaketía language alive, while exploring and introducing the history and culture of Moroccan Jewry. Ḥaketía is the Judeo-Spanish vernacular spoken primarily in Northern Morocco (Ladino being the liturgical language). Ḥaketía, like every language, expresses the ethos of the people: culture, history and way of life--warmth, grace, wits and laughter -- all cultural characteristics of Moroccan Sephardi Jewry.
My parents left Morocco for Israel when I was one-day-old, and I grew up in a home where songs, dreams, feelings and thoughts were expressed in our "Spanish"--that is, in Haketía.
I live in New York with my husband and children for years now, and have a B.A. in philosophy and M.A. in Art History from Queens College, City University on New York. Several years ago I formed a discussion group in Haketía, whose activities have lasted for over two years.
***You are invited to participate ***
Durse sea vuestra vizita y luzzida sea vuestra quedada.....
(May your visit be sweet and your stay a fascinating one...)
I am grateful to Solly Lévy for showing us all how easy it is to write contemporary stories in Haketia; to professor Ya'akob Bentolila, for his kindness and wise support and advice; Sonia Cohen de Azagury for her generosity in sharing her knowledge; Dr. Yaelle Dr. Yaelle Azagury, for the delightful shared interests; and to all my friend, Haketia-speakers around the world, with whom the Haketia becomes alive.
Finally to my husband Avinoam, to my daughter in law Carola, and to my three sons Roee, Barak and Gideon, for their continuous encouragement.
©Alicia Sisso Raz, New York, November 20o7
Opinions expressed by contributors and commentators do not reflect the views of Voces de Haketia editor.
Voces de Haketia and its owner bear no responsibility for the accuracy of the participant's articles, comments, etc., and will bear no legal liability for discussion results.